Today, we celebrate World Wildlife Day, focusing on funding their conservation. It is fitting that t...
WORKING HOURS 26.02.2025
Dear visitors, We would like to inform you that on Wednesday, February 26th, our aquarium will open...
Holiday Promotional Prices
Dear Followers, During the holiday season, Aquarium Pula is offering a 50% discount on regular ticke...
Lecture "Gelatinous Plankton of the Northern Adriatic – Impact on the Ecosystem and Potential for Cultivation"
We are deeply honored that on Wednesday, December 10, we were invited to present part of our work du...
Lecture "Battle of Lissa – In the Light of Naval Armament"
Last night, a lecture dedicated to the Battle of Lissa in 1866 was held at the Aquarium Pula, where...
Educational workshop "Plastic and Microplastic in the Sea"
Yesterday, November 29, we held an educational workshop "Plastic and Microplastic in the Sea" at the...
Archaeological research in front of fort Verudela
This week, we began archaeological research (conducted by Sudarium, a research and service workshop)...
Presentation of the book "The Fortress of Pula – Defensive Structures of the Imperial (and) Royal Main Naval Port from 1823 to 1918."
Last night, a book presentation of "The Fortress of Pula – Defensive Structures of the Imperial (and...
Conclusions from the 5th Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference on Climate Change and the Preservation of Marine Ecosystems in the Adriatic Sea
Zakljuci Skupa Zadar 2024.pdf The 5th Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference on Climate Change and...
European Summit of Industrial Biotechnology (ESIB)
We are deeply honored that the Director of the Aquarium, Dr. Milena Mičić, was invited by the organi...
14th Congress of Women Entrepreneurship in the Adriatic-Ionian Region
Yesterday, we headed to Gorizia for the 14th Congress of Women Entrepreneurship in the Adriatic-Ioni...
New Exhibition: Baron Gautsch 1908–1914
Yesterday, on October 17, 2024, in honor of the 110th anniversary of the sinking of the passenger st...
Sea Turtle Release Event
In celebration of World Animal Day (October 4th), we released three rehabilitated loggerhead sea tur...
World Tourism Day
Aquarium Pula, on the occasion of World Tourism Day, is offering a 25% discount on ticket prices to...
The loggerhead sea turtle Minja has arrived at the Rehabilitation Center
On Saturday, September 21st, we received a loggerhead sea turtle named "Minja" at our Rehabilitation...
Spawning of Noble Pen Shells
Yesterday (September 19th), three of the six adult noble pen shells released a large quantity of egg...
New pen shell in Noble Sanctuary
On Thursday, September 12th, we transferred two juvenile noble pen shells to the exhibition space, a...
European mobility week
Aquarium Pula tijekom Tjedna mobilnosti, u razdoblju od 16. do 22. 9. 2024., svim građanima Is...
The noble pen shell Morana is progressing well
The noble pen shell "Morana," the longest-living pen shell in our "Noble Sanctuary," is progressing...
In tropical coral exhibit, the increased number of visitors has led to a rise in CO2 concentration a...
Loggerhead turtle Alen has arrived at the Rehabilitation Center
On Saturday, August 3rd, a loggerhead turtle named "Alen," measuring 43 cm in length and weighing 7....
Aquaponics - New Exhibition
Starting this Friday, you can visit our aquarium's new exhibition titled "Aquaponics." Due to the di...
Loggerhead turtle Čiko has been transferred to Brijuni National Park
Today, the loggerhead turtle Čiko has been transferred from our Reptile Rehabilitation Center to Bri...
Tropical bar opening
On Monday, July 15th, we proudly opened the doors to the legendary Verudela terrace and our Tropical...