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WORKING HOURS 26.02.2025

Dear visitors, We would like to inform you that on Wednesday, February 26th, our aquarium will open...

Holiday Promotional Prices

Dear Followers, During the holiday season, Aquarium Pula is offering a 50% discount on regular ticke...

Sea Turtle Release Event

In celebration of World Animal Day (October 4th), we released three rehabilitated loggerhead sea tur...

World Tourism Day

Aquarium Pula, on the occasion of World Tourism Day, is offering a 25% discount on ticket prices to...

Spawning of Noble Pen Shells

Yesterday (September 19th), three of the six adult noble pen shells released a large quantity of egg...

New pen shell in Noble Sanctuary

On Thursday, September 12th, we transferred two juvenile noble pen shells to the exhibition space, a...

European mobility week

Aquarium Pula tijekom Tjedna mobilnosti, u razdoblju od 16. do 22. 9. 2024., svim građanima Is...


In tropical coral exhibit, the increased number of visitors has led to a rise in CO2 concentration a...

Aquaponics - New Exhibition

Starting this Friday, you can visit our aquarium's new exhibition titled "Aquaponics." Due to the di...

Tropical bar opening

On Monday, July 15th, we proudly opened the doors to the legendary Verudela terrace and our Tropical...

Showing 1 to 24 of 43 results
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