Windows to the Sea

Aquarium Pula presents a unique blend of natural and cultural heritage within the complex of Austro-Hungarian fortifications - Verudela and San Giovanni. By purchasing a ticket, you support our conservation activities and projects; the protection of sea turtles and the critically endangered noble pen shells.

Find out how it all started

Story of Aquarium Pula

Care and conservation of endangered species

Protection of the most vulnerable Adriatic species

Aquarium Pula its development continuosly aims towards protection of the most sensitive and endangered Adriatic species together with public raising awareness.

Loggerhead turtles recovery in our Centre

Recovery of loggerhead turtles in our Centre in most cases lasts up to 6 months. Usually they are being admitted during winter period and after recovery we release them back to the sea (June - October).

Gallerion exhibition

Within the stone walls of a historic building, Aquarium Pula has brought together what many thought was unimaginable - a magical underwater world and magnificent historical ships from the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, mainly models of the navy.

Seasonal exhibition

Walking with butterflies

Witness the beauty of tropical butterflies in the seasonal exhibition "Walking with Butterflies," unique in Croatia. Learn about their life cycle, the dangers they face and other interesting facts in the accompanying educational exhibition in their habitat.

The exhibition is only open from 1 July to 1 September.