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Meeting of the partners of the project "Preservation of the noble pen shell (Pinna nobilis) in the Adriatic Sea"

Today, April 11, in Brijuni National Park, we attended the annual meeting of the partners of the project "Preservation of the noble pen shell (Pinna nobilis) in the Adriatic Sea", organized by the Public Institution of Brijuni National Park and co-organized by the Institute for Environmental and Nature Protection of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development. Director of the aquarium, Ph.D. Milena Mičić presented the report for the year 2023 on the "Noble Sanctuary" and the state of the noble pen shell in ex-situ conditions for the year 2023.

Of the 81 juvenile perisks that arrived, placed in 6 pools, 56 individuals survived until the end of the year. Tissue analysis showed that 50% of them were infected with the parasite Haplosporidium pinnae. At the meeting, the implemented activities of all partners from the northern, central, and southern Adriatic were presented, and scientists from Spain, Italy, and Slovenia also reported on their activities. Tomorrow (April 12), the participants of the meeting are coming to our aquarium for a professional visit to the "Noble Sanctuary".