Sea Turtle Rescue Centre
Recovery of loggerhead turtles in our Centre, in most cases, takes up to six months. We usually receive them during the winter months and return them to the sea during the warmer weather (June-October).
Sea turtles are migratory species that have inhabited the world's oceans for over 110 million years, but daily anthropogenic impacts on marine ecosystems pose an immediate threat to their survival. There are seven species of sea turtles in the world, but only two nest in the Mediterranean: the loggerhead (Caretta caretta) and the green turtle (Chelonia mydas). The northern Adriatic is one of the most important habitats for loggerhead turtles, as its shallow depth and rich marine life make it ideal for feeding. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN, 2015), the loggerhead turtle is classified as least concern (LC) in the Mediterranean, while globally it is classified as vulnerable (VU). Modern estimation methods suggest that there are more than 20,000 individuals in the Adriatic.
Sea turtles are exposed to anthropogenic influences that threaten their survival on a daily basis, such as climate change, illegal hunting and commercial fishing, oil spills, artificial lighting, unplanned and uncontrolled coastal development, marine litter and pollution, and destructive fishing techniques.
About the Centre
At the end of the 20th century, sea turtle populations were in drastic decline, leading to the establishment of rescue centres worldwide. In Croatia, our centre was the first of its kind and has been operating since 2000. In addition to treatment and care, the centre's activities focus on raising public awareness about turtle conservation. One form of education is the release of rehabilitated sea turtles into the sea, which takes place annually in June and October.
To date, the centre has rehabilitated and released over 200 loggerhead turtles and 1 green sea turtle.
Accommodation of turtles
Turtles at the centre are rehabilitated in tanks of varying volumes:
- Intensive care pools in the quarantine area,
- Larger pools for further recovery and rehabilitation in the aquarium,
- In cooperation with NP Brijuni, turtle rehabilitation is also carried out in their outdoor pool (14x10x3 m).
In the quarantine area, smaller volume pools (1500 litres) with a filtration system and water heating are used. Higher temperatures allow for better absorption of therapy and faster recovery. UV lamps are also used to simulate sunlight and help improve the overall condition of the turtles.
Once out of immediate danger, turtles are rehabilitated in larger pools. The 30,000-litre pool is connected directly to the main aquarium flow and is filled with fresh seawater at a temperature of 20°C. It is lit with state-of-the-art LED lighting and equipped with an advanced filtration system. Rehabilitation in larger and deeper pools is essential for turtles as it allows them to adjust and prepare (muscle strengthening through swimming, independent food finding) for their eventual return to the sea
Upon arrival at the Centre, a detailed examination of the turtle is performed to determine its health condition and assess the severity of the injuries.
Everyday care
The turtles' recovery is monitored by veterinarians who prescribe the necessary treatments. Daily care includes regular feeding and cleaning of the tanks and monitoring of their health. They are fed various marine organisms, often herring, as it provides higher-quality nutrition compared to their normal diet (invertebrates). Being reptiles, cold-blooded organisms, they require exposure to UV rays: either natural sunlight and/or UV lamps that simulate sunlight. Depending on whether it's an inflammatory process, injury, malnutrition or dehydration, different diagnostic methods and treatments are required: X-rays, endoscopic examinations, ultrasound, antibiotics, pain relievers, infusions, vitamins, honey compresses for faster wound healing, etc.
Preparation for returning the turtle to the sea
Before returning the turtle to the sea, it is necessary to assess the condition of injuries, mobility and nutritional status of the individual. When the turtle is ready for release, it is marked with small tags attached to its front flippers. The tag carries an individual identification number so that if the turtle is found again, its weight, carapace length and health can be compared with previous data.
The importance of sea turtle rescue centres
- Rehabilitation of sea turtles is a unique type of protection that goes beyond the limits of individual recovery of animals. It includes research and observation that increase knowledge about the biology of sea turtles and, with that, the possibilities of species protection.
- Veterinarians, biologists, and other actors involved in their recovery also apply their knowledge outside the Centre by supporting research and conservation initiatives.
- Close encounters with injured turtles, their vulnerability and charisma, sensitise and lead the public to change and indicate the need for proactive action and responsibility for the species’ survival.
Become an active participant in the protection and conservation of sea turtles. “Adopt a Sea Turtle” will contribute to the survival of a species that is currently among the most endangered in the world. When adopting a sea turtle, you will be awarded a turtle adopter certificate, a photo of your adopted turtle with a description, and a promotional flyer.
Every adopter is also given an honorary place in the front row when releasing the adopted turtle back into the sea. The return date of the turtles will be sent to your e-mail address.
Let them continue their journey!
Legal data
Aquarium Pula d.o.o.
Verudella 33, Pula, Hrvatska
OIB: 00972615522
VAT ID: HR00972615522
Trgovački sud u Pazinu
MBS 040317288
Share capital: Temeljni kapital 920.000,00 kuna / 122.104,98 eur uplaćen je u cijelosti
Administration: Milena Mičić, Zoran Mičić, Matko Mičić
Bank accounts
Zagrebačka banka d.d. / Zagreb / IBAN: HR3223600001102418665
+385 52 381 402
From 9 a.m. until 4 p.m./10 p.m. (depending on the season)
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